Arrowhead Highline

Second post in a row that I am 3 months late on 🙁  Apologies to Jesse, Matus, and Dave.  This is a highline a few hrs outside of LA, shown to Jesse and me by the illustrious Matus.  Here is a google map to its location.

Rigging Beta.  WARNING: do not rig highlines if you don’t know what you’re doing.  You *will* die if you rig your line incorrectly.

The line span is around 70ft, with a 300ft drop, and rigged between two spires on the side of a mountain face.  Elevation is around 6,500 ft.  You have to climb each spire (5.7ish?) to get to the top.  The ?east? spire has a GIANT boulder on top of it.  You can wrap the boulder with a 14-20ft spanset (with padding, of course).  15ft is about perfect.  The west spire is three bolts, plus cam backups.  UPDATE: the spire has been re-bolted by James, and the boulder-side may also have been bolted by him.  One cam is permanently placed (thanks to Matus), you’ll need to bring the other(s).    I used a 12ft spanset (equalized) for the bolted side, with cams and climbing rope for backup.  Tightening system located on the east spire is advised, as it has more room to work. If you want directions or more rigging info, drop me an e-mail.

We didn’t get the line setup until basically dark, but good times were still had by all.  Matus sent the line on his first or second try, and Dave definitely won the stomach-of-steel award for countless pitch-dark efforts.  Photos below from various stages of erection.

1 Comment

  1. brooke says:

    i’m a newbie, but i sooo want to try this!

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